Crazy Joe's Drapery and Blinds

remote controlled blinds

north York Drapery Store

Automatic Shades

Automatic shades – Remote controlled blind.

At crazy joes we have the best price on remote controlled blinds.

We will come to your home and measure you place for the best look and fit. 

Service quality and price. IF you are not shopping at crazy joes you are paying too much

CRAZY JOES is the Motorization specialists, providing an excellent range of solutions for sustainable design and total building management systems. Motorized shades are also the ideal solution for inaccessible glazing such as clerestory or foyer windows, high bays, executive spaces, conference and training facilities, and other public areas. From the boardroom, to 40-foot-tall exhibition areas, and full scale high rise projects, there are motorized solutions that meet any of your project criteria.

We manufacture most of our products so we can customize them for you.

motorized blinds for sale


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